Ahvaz Water and Wastewater Company
Ahvaz Water and Wastewater Company works in the field of the municipal Services . The purpose and existential philosophy of the company is water Supply and distribution and wastewater collection , transfer and treatment within the scope of municipal services according to water and wastewater company law passed by Parliament in 1990. We believe that the survival and continual growth is depending on how to do our responsibilities in relation to the main stakeholder groups. Four major groups of stakeholders are customers of the company, shareholders, suppliers, and employees. Our first responsibility is related to subscribers. Without them there is no reason for our existence. We're trying to have a good recognition of customer needs and meeting them. The concept of customer value for us, including a wide collection of high quality and on time product and service, the delivery with respect and the price Regulation. The other our responsibility is related to shareholders. Water and Wastewater Engineering Company representing the shareholders performs and monitors their requirements and evaluation. We are committed to excellence in water and wastewater industry. We feel a great responsibility towards our employees And we want to create an environment and develop it by trying to empower the employees and make believe in equal opportunities, which all employees have the opportunity of maximizing their potential. Employees catch bonuses and upgrading as well as to be involved in the realization of the mission of the company. Job security and supply of employee’s requirements according to relevant laws and customs of society is a priority for the company. Another our responsibility is related to suppliers and stakeholders in society. In this regard, the social participation is an important commitment for us and we count it as a target for the company's desirable image in the society. Our purpose is a positive interaction with the environment and we want to create an appropriate space for the growth and continual development of physical capacity with stability in the provision of services.